Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Book Club Recommendation

I wanted to share this neat website with you. It's an email book club called 'Dearreader.com'. You simply choose one (or more) of the types of reading that interests you -- fiction, nonfiction, romance, mystery, science fiction, etc. -- and sign up using your email address. Every week, a book is chosen for each category. Each weekday, you are emailed a short entry from the book. If you read all five entries, you will have completed the first chapter or so of that book. If, after reading the daily emails, you are interested in that book, you can go to your local library or bookstore to finish the book on your own. However, if that particular book does not interest you, simply hit your delete key and forget about it until the next week when a new book is chosen. I joined awhile back and have found alot of good books this way. I thought this might be a fun thing to try, for those of you who are always on the lookout for a good read (like me).



Nicole said...

Oh. That sounds cool! I will check it out. Thanks for the tip!